Sunday, March 22, 2015

Arrival in Zuoying

This morning I got a cab to the high speed rail station and got on the train to the south side of the island.

On the train, I took this pic for S, since the white pole in the mid-ground is maybe her fourth or fifth favorite color, and that's pretty high up there in the rankings, so I wanted her to be able to see the white pole.

This was the restaurant I met my hosts at, though it's not the one we ate at.

Food at the 7'-11 in the train station.

While I waited for my hosts, I got an ice cream cone. I asked for grape-yogurt mix, but they were out. So I asked for the blueberry yogurt mix, and they gave me the strawberry yogurt mix.

Walking to the lunch place.

Lunch time

Entering an award-winning light-rail station

I can see why it's won awards.

After lunch, got to my hotel, I mean resort.

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