a couple saturdays ago, brian and i were talking right after waking up, and he mentioned that he had found some really pretty milk snakes for sale nearby. he thought one of these snakes would be a good pet for w. he showed me the pictures--knowing i like pretty milk snakes--and i said that that sounded fine. well, by the end of the day we had purchased leche.
i like snakes fine, but i've never desired to have one as a pet. in fact, i don't particularly even like pets much. i like animals in nature, but not really at home. but i have to say, leche is the perfect pet. he isn't always under foot (in fact he never is), he only needs to be fed (at most) once a week, cleaning the "cage" isn't difficult and doesn't have to be done more than once or twice a week, and he's so pretty. the only downside is that he is a bit smelly, but it's not that strong.
i have to agree with b: a snake is a great pet to have around.