Friday, May 10, 2013

back at my host's house

I was back at my host's house today for a lunch. I had gotten there on time. Twenty minutes early actually. The other lunch attendees got there an hour late. So I had an hour and a half to sit around and I took some pictures of my host's house, which is quite a gallery.

This picture of the cages I took on my way to the lunch while I was lost. Imagine that--lost and still 20 minutes early.

I haven't paid much attention to the Jakarta smog, but you can see it by the fact of how  unclear the skyscraper in the background is.

This was a failed attempt at taking an artful photograph. You were supposed to clearly see the reflection of a blimp in the black polished stone of this coffee table.

Here's the blimp, made of sun-bleached plastic bottles, hanging suspended  below a sky light.

Looking toward the dining room

up the stairs

the rock garden below the blimp

a big horse

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