Wednesday, July 1, 2009

bad luck / good luck

we went out to try our luck at fishing last night and discovered that we didn't have too much of it. brian did catch a fish, but it was too small. i had two bites and saw a trout following my lure, but no dice. it was pretty disappointing.

before heading back home empty-handed, we thought we'd go check our old fishing spot. we didn't see any fish there, but we did spot a lot of american redstarts. it may be surprising to our gentle readers that we've never seen one (given that they're pretty much all over the us), but it was our first time. as you can see it's a good-looking bird.

so, at least we had some good luck last night...


Anonymous said...

purdy bird. roland and i went out picking blueberries (we now have 20 lbs of them!) but as i was picking off of one bush, there was a purdy bird sharing the bush with me. i don't know what kind--he was whitish, with brown wings, and brown speckles on his body, plus two brown eyes.: ) my motion and picking berries didn't deter him from stayin' around--he was always just beyond my arms grasp--but i was picking berries and i thought my movement would have made fly away! We shared the bush for about 5 minutes--then, i felt something on my berry pickin' hands--bird doo doo!

Jon and Becky said...

I don't like that bird. Blecht.