Wednesday, November 5, 2008

it's a wonderful day

well last night was perfect. i'm so relieved and so excited that obama will be our next president. i don't live under the illusion that he'll be perfect or that i'll love everything he does (he's a politician afterall), but i really think he's what we need. and i think we'll finally be able to make good progress. i loved his speech last night...and i really enjoy that he calls all americans to serve and sacrifice to make this a better country. i feel like that's something we've been missing.

i am happy to say that oregon and virginia went obama's way (way to go virginia!). utah clearly didn't go for him. but we weren't the most mccain state as brian pointed out to me today. i saw that utah county only had like 18% of the voters chose obama. hmmmm.

well onto other news (although what's bigger than the election results!)'s snowing here now in earnest. i've posted some pictures. it's fun to work by the window and watch the snow. i do enjoy seeing snow. the mountains are obscured with clouds so i couldn't get a get shot of those...but you can only imagine how lovely they are.

1 comment:

The Otis Family said...

I don't make comments about politics but the snow looks great. Now granted I'd be sick of it by spring but that first snow when it sticks is kind of fun.